Icon Apollo Jukebox
Icon Apollo is, literally, a colossus among jukeboxes with its massive 40″ LCD touch screen display; being a perfect jukebox for large venues and pubs. This new premium venue jukebox is set to become the flagship of the range, teeming with phenomenal specifications and once again raising the bar within the industry.
Boasting an impressive library of both audio and video tracks, Apollo is the ideal medium for the NSM advertising platform. The interaction with the advertiser is easy:as soon as someone touches the digital jukebox’s screen to play music, the interactive touch screen presents consumers with a variety of media, such as banners, leader boards, track loops, etc.
At the pinnacle of technological initiatives, NSM Music has again pushed out the frontier of digital music systems with the Icon Apollo. The focal point of this giant amongst jukeboxes is the massive 40 inch touchscreen which projects music videos in HD quality and also provides live information,such as sports results and other news via RSS feeds.
NSM Combo Amp-Power Supply:
The new NSM Class D PSU/Amp combination unit has been made especially for the Icon Lite. The amplifier and power supply have now been amalgamated, contained within one box. This makes installation and replacement quick and easy.
- Large Venue Jukebox
- 40″ Samsung TFT Jukebox
- 120000 + Audio Tracks Online
- 9000+ Video Tracks Online
- Infra-Red Touch Screen
- Multi-Function Remote Control
- Internet Ready with WiFi Optional
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